Senior Reflection: Kate Hayes

Dear PHS, I would like to thank you. You might be just a building to some, but you harbor the memories of the last four years for most of us seniors, including me. We might not have been in your presence each and every day but you still created a reason for all of us to wake up in the morning and gave us a place to belong. 

Dear Teachers, not just PHS teachers but all teachers, I would like to thank you. You’ve fed my need for knowledge and taught me how to love learning. You’ve guided me into the discovery of myself through the knowledge you practically beat into my head. I would never have found my love for writing and history without all the teachers who introduced me to it.  So thank you for putting up with our crazy boy drama, or mid-life meltdowns, and loving us like we are your own kids. 

Dear Friends, I’ve met a few of you in these four years. I love you all, and am so glad I met you. You’ve all changed my life in so many ways and that will forever be my greatest high school experience. The walls of the school hold our deepest conversations, our laughter echoes, and I hope they influence future students to become the friends we have. 

Dear Family, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. From driving me to school and picking me up, to staying up and helping me study for that big test. My biggest supporters, my truest loves. Thank you.

Thank you to all of you who have made these years worth remembering, who made the worst days even a little better. Thank you to the three story brick building that held us all together and forced us to love another. And as always once a Big Red, always a Big Red.