2020 Homecoming Court Winners Announced

Photo by Natalie Atkinson

2020 Homecoming Court candidates gather in the auditorium on March 3.

After a nearly four-month delay, the 2020-21 homecoming court for each grade was announced Wednesday, March 3, in the auditorium.

Homecoming court candidates were first nominated in late October; final nominees were announced soon after. On November 8, Wood County went red on the state COVID map and virtual learning started immediately. Everything stopped. No parade. No football game. No dance. And no homecoming court announced.

Hybrid learning returned Tuesday, January 19 followed by in-person learning the week of February 15. Finally, after almost three months, homecoming court winners were announced.

Homecoming court winners 2020-2021:

Seniors: Queen, Mary-Michael Strobl and King, Justin Waybright

11th grade: Princess, Bianca Norman and Prince, Xadrian Snodgrass

10th grade: Princess, Jenna Carpenter and Prince, JT Corbin

9th grade: Princess, Brandice Kunze and Prince, Aiden Merritt

Despite the circumstances, senior Mary-Micheal Strobl enjoyed her homecoming experience. “It was an honor to be nominated for the 2020 homecoming court, and winning was such a wonderful surprise,” Strobl said. “Even though it wasn’t held out on the Stadium field, it was still a great honor. Maybe it will be even more memorable because of the pandemic, and it being delayed until March.”

For most seniors, this year hasn’t gone exactly how they hoped it would. Many of the usual, fun events that the school year provides didn’t happen. Even with these challenges, Strobl keeps a positive attitude. “My four years here have been special. Even though our senior year has been challenging, it has certainly been one to remember,” she said.

On the other hand, this year’s freshman have had a different experience. They’ve never experienced a traditional PHS homecoming.

“When I won, I was quite surprised since I walked into the auditorium with low expectations,” said Aiden Merritt, freshman homecoming prince.

Merritt understood that this wasn’t the typical homecoming experience and that it was abnormal to have winners announced in March rather than in November. “I thought it was quite odd since the auditorium was empty when it is usually at a football game with a large crowd,” he said.

However strange this year has been, Merritt feels that he has had a good first year of high school. “My freshmen year, overall, has been great. I have made many new friends, and all of my teachers have treated me nicely,” said Merritt.