Q&A with Janey Ott, Retiring Special Education Teacher
Retiring special education teacher, Janey Ott
Special Education teacher Janey Ott will be retiring at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. We interviewed her about what her time at PHS was like.
Q: What did you teach?
A: Special Ed English.
Q: How long did you teach at PHS?
A: Since 2008.
Q: Why did you decide to become a teacher?
A: My mother was a teacher, and I just was interested in doing it.
Q: Do you have a favorite memory at the school?
A: Oh, I have lots but I probably shouldn’t tell you. Probably my favorite memory is when I taught summer school, kids that graduated from summer school… watching them get a diploma.
Q: What is something you’re going to miss?
A: I’m going to miss my lunch duty kids. I’m going to miss a lot.
Q: Do you have a plan for after retirement?
A: I’ll probably substitute, and read, and play pickleball, and walk the dogs.
Q: Describe your career in one word.
A: Fabulous
Q: What advice would you give to students?
A: Strive to do the best you can and don’t quit.
Q: What is something your students would be surprised to know about you?
A: I was an insurance agent for 12 years.
Q: Were you a PHS alumni?
Yes (graduated in 1978)
Q: What were you like as a student?
A: I’m very unathletic but I was in the girl’s athletic association, and Thespians, and I was in French Club.

Anna Earl is a senior and has been on the newspaper staff for three years, serving this year as editor in chief. She spends most of her time in the journalism...